The four strategies to love reading are to read books you love, seek to better understand the books you don't love, reconsidering how we define the word read, and develop expertise and the confidence that will enable you to find them yourself.
The first strategy you can do is to read books that you think you will get joy out of. You can determine if you'll enjoy the book by reading the first few pages or if its part of a series where you enjoyed the first book.
The second strategy is to try and dig deep into the author or the backstory of the book. You can do this by reading one of their previous book to maybe learn a bit more about the author, You can also, see some interviews or podcasts where the author talks about themselves.
Another strategy you can use is to try to reconsider the definition of read. I believe you can do this by trying to read more books and trying to enjoy them or spend time on reviewing the book you dislike.
Lastly, you can dig deep into the book rather than looking for answers. For example, you can look at videos about the book to better understand a book and author. You can maybe find out you relate to both the author and the book.
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