I spent my afternoon listening to Dr. Quinn who talked about learning science, using technology to support learning at personal and institutional levels, and engagement and motivation. He was stating that it seems more difficult to learn at your own pace in times like these. Dr. Quinn also learned of a French phrase that Mr. Preston told him about which means that you think of the right thing to say after the conversation is over. There is a different discipline in science which we haven't learned yet according to Dr. Quinn. When offering ideas in science you have to be careful what you say since it can be held against you from what I understand from Dr. Quinn. When you ask 600 people if they ever use quadratic equations only 2 would raise their hand according to Dr. Quinn. He believes that together (the students and teacher) we can work for the teacher to show what we need for the test while they try and make the learning experience interesting. Clark Quinn has covered calculus and algebra. Dr. Quinn talked about how he would see kids betting for money to help provide for their family which he believes shows that you need context. Learning initially is fun in video games for many people. Dr. Quinn speaks on students that don't do their work is to help the students process just how important their school years are and how they can possibly make or break their future. Dr. Quinn talks on police that they are told to not trust others unless its another officer which could be why when they make mistakes they aren't willing to admit to them. The blame can go to the teacher or student depending on their commitment according to Dr. Quinn. "Grading is a form of cruelty for many people" - Mr. Preston 10/22/2020 3:47
They also talked about if there is stuff teachers and students should stop or avoid doing in school. Assuming a Grade reflect a student is wrong in the belief of Dr. Quinn since there could be many things behind that letter or number grade that some people won't notice. Dr. Quinn thinks the most important thing for student is to use the ideas they learn to sort them so they can find what interests them which could lead to the teacher connecting to their student when they go back and forth and help the student find learning fun and interesting. You should look how you learn. The teachers should also work on coaching you students if they need help. I am glad I joined in on the zoom to see the perspective of someone as smart and educated as Dr. Quinn.
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